
The Mayor of Aylesbury, Cllr Anders Christensen planted a tree to honour Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee on Friday 11 March 2022, being the 70th day of this year.

The Queen’s Green Canopy is an initiative to encourage residents, groups and organisations across the country to plant a tree to commemorate Her Majesty’s 70 years of service.

The Town Mayor planted an acer rubrum Sun Valley tree in Aylesbury’s Tring Road Cemetery, which is looked after by Aylesbury Town Council.

Cllr Christensen was joined by the leader of the Town Council, Cllr Richard Lloyd, the Town Council’s Cemetery Manager and members of the Cemetery Team.

He said: “The Queen’s Green Canopy is a poignant way to remember and symbolise Her Majesty’s legacy. By planting this tree in Aylesbury’s Tring Road Cemetery, it means many generations will be able to enjoy it in years to come along with local wildlife and our climate benefitting from it too.

“Those wanting to get involved should visit the Woodland Trust’s website and should seek permission from the legal landowner before planting a tree.”

More information about The Queen’s Green Canopy.