
On Sunday 28 April, Aylesbury honoured personnel from RAF Halton with a special parade commemorating the Freedom of Aylesbury.

The Freedom of Aylesbury was bestowed upon RAF Halton in 1956. The honour and distinction of marching through the streets of Aylesbury with a full ceremonial parade, bayonets fixed, King’s Colour flying, drums beating and band playing solidifies the important relationship that the Station has with the town.

The Central Band of the Royal Air led the parade, followed by the apprentices and staff of RAF Halton with the King’s Colour on parade.

The Mayor of Aylesbury, members of the Town Council and invited dignitaries formed part of the prestigious parade through Market Square where, despite the rain, residents watched on.

Invited dignitaries included HM Lord-Lieutenant the Countess Howe, High Sheriff Of Buckinghamshire Kurshida Mizra BEM, Wing Commander Peter Seanor RAF Halton and Mr Rob Butler MP along with other representatives from Town councils and other organisations.

The Freedom of Aylesbury scroll was read by Town Clerk Keith Gray, followed by speeches from the Mayor of Aylesbury, Cllr Steven Lambert and Station Commander Wing Cdr Peter Seanor. Aylesbury Consort of Voices sang a heartfelt rendition of Jerusalem before the Central Band of the RAF conducted a march around Market Square.

The Mayor of Aylesbury, Cllr Steven Lambert, said: “The Mayor and Councillors of the Town of Aylesbury desire to recognise and foster the close and friendly association which exists between the people of Aylesbury and the men and women stationed and serving at Halton.

“Aylesbury was the first town in Buckinghamshire to grant RAF Halton the ‘Freedom’ and it is a privilege both Aylesbury Town and RAF Halton still proudly celebrate today. We are honoured to welcome RAF Halton to Aylesbury and proud of our close association. Long may it continue.”