
The Town Mayor’s Remembrance Service took place in St Mary’s Church on Thursday 9 November.

Attendees took time to reflect, commemorate and give thanks. The service featured music from Aylesbury Concert BandAylesbury Consort of Voices, and St Mary’s Church Choir.

Readings were made by the Mayor of Aylesbury, Cllr Steven Lambert, The Countess Howe HM Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire, Town Clerk Mr Keith Gray JP, Lt Col (Retired) Lyndon Robinson, the Town Mayor’s Consort, Mr Miguel Pepe, SSjt Benjamine Meads Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet and the Chairman of Royal British Legion Aylesbury Branch, Lorna Muir.

President of the Royal British Legion Aylesbury Branch, Mr Philip ‘Topsy’ Turner, gave the Exhortation and prayers and blessings were led by Revd Mother Rainah Madzorera. A moving piece was played by bagpiper Neil Esslemont following a reading of ‘Phantom of the Somme’.

The Mayor of Aylesbury, Cllr Steven Lambert, said: “It was an honour to welcome visiting dignitaries, representatives from local organisations and charities as well as cadets and staff from Aylesbury Sea and Royal Marine Cadets, 1365 RAF Squadron Air Cadets and Army Cadet Force E Company. It was an evening of reflection, commemoration and thanks, as we honoured those who have laid down their lives in the service of our nation. We think not only of those lost in past conflicts, but of the sacrifice made by our servicemen and women today. We also think of those service men and women who have been killed or injured in the current conflicts around the world.

“We acknowledge the work of the Royal British Legion, in particular the Aylesbury Branch, and the support they give, not only the service men and women but also to their families. We also acknowledge the many local people who are actively involved in this work.”

The Town Council gives thanks to all those that participated to make the evening such a poignant occasion.

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Photos by Brian O’Carroll.