
Are you involved in a charitable or voluntary organisation working for the benefit of people in Aylesbury generally, or a particular community of our town? If so, you may be able to apply for a grant from the Town Council.

Please note that there are three separate types of Grants available:

  • General Grants
  • Social & Emotional Wellbeing Needs Grants
  • Sports Grants

Please see all of the information below to find out how to apply and who is eligible.

Application process and meeting dates

Grants Committee meetings are held four times a year and the committee reviews, discusses and makes a decision of the level of grant to be awarded to each applicant. Applicants are invited to attend these meetings, to present their case.

All the relevant and necessary forms need to be submitted at least 20 working days prior to each committee meeting, to the Grants Clerk, contact details at the bottom of the page.

Further information about the Grants Committee and forthcoming meeting dates.

  • Autumn 2024
    • Application deadline: 19 September
    • Meeting date: 16 October
  • Winter 2024
    • Application deadline: 18 December
    • Meeting date: 15 January
  • Spring 2025
    • Application deadline: 26 February
    • Meeting date: 26 March

Grant types

General Grants

Aylesbury Town Council has grants available for funding a project or activity. The Town Council grants are awarded at the discretion of the Grants Committee, and match funded up to 50% of costs to maximum of £2,000; unless the Grants Committee decides that there are exceptional reasons to award a higher grant. Grants can be awarded to support a project, event or service, or to purchase equipment to help your group provide services to its users. Other funding can come from your own fundraising, existing resources or grants from other organisations.

Social & Emotional Wellbeing Needs Grants

The Town Council provides funding to outside bodies as part of the Town Council’s commitment to improving public wellbeing, as exemplified in its support for creating a dementia-friendly community.

The grant funding is to help support the social and emotional wellbeing needs within Aylesbury Town and among its diverse communities.

The criteria excludes projects working solely to address physical health needs, although “social and/or emotional” probably wellbeing interventions may have measurable secondary physical health benefits.

Sports Grants

Aylesbury Town Council wants to support young people in sport and wishes to give young people in Aylesbury, with high competitive spirit, as much encouragement as possible to fulfil their sporting potential. Aylesbury Town Council provides a sports grant budget as an opportunity for young sports persons who have demonstrated a high level of achievement representing their sport either at national or international events.

Further information for all types of grants

Contact our Grants Officer Jane Eden, by email or call 01296 425678. Jane will be able to assist you with the application process, advise on application criteria and requirements, along with any other questions you may have. Please do get in touch.

Aylesbury Motor Group with their grant cheque